1) You don't need an angled drill (or drill the fuselage as has been
suggested) to drill the damper frame mounting holes. A block of wood
clamped or wedged next to the hole position will stop the drill point
slipping and allow you to drill a half-size hole at an acute angle
through soft stuff like this. A rat-tail file will do the rest.
2) Use up some of the rivet pins which are lying all over the floor
threatening to puncture your tires. Space them off the inside of the
fuselage with blobs of 5 min epoxy each end. With cable ties (or velcro
strips) threaded behind them, you get easily expandable wiring attachment
3) Probaby said before, but go out and buy some 3/16" UNF ordinary nuts
(if you still can), and the larger ones too, and don't use the dreaded
stiffnuts until you really finally need to. It must consume hundreds of
builders hours winding on stiffnuts, some in inaccessible places for
trial fits, only to have to wind them off again e.g. flap attachment,
landing gear, rudder pedals and so on.
4) For Uk builders, a 4BA spanner fits the prolific MS21042-3 nut, and a
3BA spanner fits the head of AN3-??. The MS21042-3 seems to be made
into a stiffnut by squashing it across one set of flats. Not good for
spanner fitting. Unfortunately you can't make it an un-stiffnut by
squashing the other flats!
Graham Clarke G-EMIN No.83