With all the lay-ups and required filling and sanding of
"Rutan Wing" it seems to be a valid question if a premolded wing might become
an option (super fast kit?) for the future. Many potential builders - I for
sure - would be happy to consider it.
As you well know, all the recent successful American glass kits are offering
wings made in molds.
Given the poularity of the Europa kit and the almost mind-boggling tedium of
surface finishing, I am surprised molded flying surfaces have not appeared as
an option. It's not as though removing the finishing steps would bring the build
time below the magical 500 hours (the minimum UK requirement for a plane to be
kit homebuild). The increased size and finishing problems of glider wings
surely puts the "Rutan" method beyond reasonable bounds?
I can't see myself ever having the patience to undertake what seems to be a
thoroughly unnecessary chore. Now with the option of molded surfaces that can be
built up from the outside in - as is 'normal' practice for manufacturers....
such a kit I could well contemplate seriously (providing the on-cost did not
make what is already not a cheap option into something completely
BTW, for those particularly interested in the motor glider version, check out
the Windex kit from Sweden (see the PFA Homebuild Guide). I haven't any info
back from them yet but this single seater claims similar performance to the
existing Europa (cruise speed and rate of climb) on a
Konig 25 hp motor (mounted in the tail fin) and an L/D of 38 to 1. The
Europa MG version will, in comparison, have an L/D of 27 to 1 -
somewhat disappointing in view of the fact that the existing configuration has,
I believe, a 17 to 1 L/D. The main snag with the Windex is that it's a single
Alan Jackson