Tailplane Trim Tab Link Rod
I have noticed that when I take the tailplanes off - it doesn't matter from
which side (so the pins ARE square!) the first side is easy, but the remaining
one wants to pull the anti-servo/trim tab link rod with it - possibly bending
the pin if you are not careful.
Has anyone had the same problem? The solution I see is to bond some circular
'blanks' onto the rod - perhaps 1/8th thick, on the inside of the fuselage such
that the rod resists sideways movement - the blanks would need to be large
enough so that the edges cannot be seen at the extremes of travel. Once
installed my rod has no sideways movement so I would think a clearance between
the outside edge of the blank and the inside skin of the fuselage could be
around 1/8 th inch.
Painting the 'blank' in the same color (colour) as the area around the slot
would neaten up a somewhat exposed hole and perhaps clean this area up
aerodynamically too.
The only problem I see is how do you get the link rod out again if you need to?
Come to that how would you get it out without the blanks on - guess it's in
there for good!!
I would welcome any thoughts before I start!
P.S. On the promo-video (which I am almost word perfect on now!) hasn't G-ELSA
not got something that resembles this?
Martin Tuck
Builder #152
Wichita, Kansas