Oh No ! Not Again. We are really getting hung up about this business. I dont
really think that premolded skins are the answer and I fancy this route is
probably as much if not more hard work than Ivans method (Yes I know he didnt
invent the technique but you know what I mean).
We used a combination of electric sanding (with vacuum extraction) and a long
hand sander ( a piece of alloy door moulding 3ft long and 4 ins wide). We cant
claim total success with this method YET as we havent got down to painting but
it looks pretty OK to us. A word of warning about the dust - it is toxic !
Apparently the best time to sand the filler is as soon as it will sand
satisfactorily (in our case about 36 hours @ about 20C ). The filler continues
to harden and therefore the best time to do the sanding is as early as possible
however as the hardener has not fully reacted with the resin at this stage it is
more toxic than the fully cured resin. Sanding especially the manual variety is
sweaty work and unfortunately once the sanding dust settles on your skin,the
toxins are easily absorbed. I have assumed you are all wearing proper
respiratory protection otherwise the dangers are multiplied.
It is therefore essential to keep the dust well under control and prevent it
---From getting into the atmosphere. For those purists who insist on hand
the lot, Ron Swindens extraction system is a must otherwise a commercially made
variety is available ( Colin Noakes has the details ), cost about L40. Besides
you cannot sand efficiently with all the dust swilling around !
Like most builders, we dreaded the filling and sanding stage but in the end it
took about two weeks to do the lot (tail bits and wings, flaps, ailerons etc).
The fuselage however is another matter, its taking years (literally).
Regards to all
Carl & Dot Pattinson
G- LABS (eventually !)