>>running the pitot tube along the aileron push rod.<<
Reply to Graham Clarke.
If you use 1/4" OD nylon pressure tubing it fits neatly in the corner of the win
trailing edge close out/flap shroud. Also you can use light nylon push fit
couplings throughout. Probably half the weight of the PVC tube.
>>There must be quite a few builders approaching the painting stage<<
Colin Noakes recommended SP Systems Hi Build primer/filler (we used 8 litres,
most of which ended on the floor as dust) Akzo brushing filler, which is the
easiest way to fill the pin holes, and 5 litres of Akzo C 21/100 UVR. This has
much better UV resistance than any of the automotive paints, which is why Europa
chose it. They also offer the best price. They may be persuaded to supply SP's
filler, which sands nicely and is cheaper than Akzo's. Any trim colours can be
automotive two pack if desired.
Prices; Akzo brushing filler, 2 l pack, L23 +vat.
Akzo C21 5 l pack, L94.30 +
Hardener for both, 5 l L65.02 +
SP primer, 4 l pack about L75
Thinners are extra and needed.