>>the petrol pump and filter are carried on the draughty side of the bulkhead,
these will get filthy so a mudguard is still desirable,<<
There may be ambiguity in the manual, here. I'm sure they are meant to be behind
the bulkhead. Nonetheless, as you say the mudguard is still worth while to keep
the muck off the throttle box, brake master cylinder, flap controls etc.
The nylon pressure tube is sold by Truck & Trailer Components, who sell through
commercial vehicle brake and hydraulic speciallists. Also the push on fittings.
PFA have approved my installation (& only mine, so far, so ask for your own
approval), . I've mislaid their phone #, whenif it turns up I'll post it. Life
should be at least 10 years, my nylon brake lines on the EZ are still OK.
Allan Hall's point:>>possibility of the rudder cables contacting and sawing
through the hoses.<<
Another method, use on Lancair's and EZs is to run the rudder cables through
3/16 OD nylon tubing bonded(glassed in) to the structure. One layer of BID is
BTW it would be courteous to let Europa know of any mods you make to their
outstanding design, so that they can tell you they "thought of that one but it
won't work and this is why." IMHO the Europa is one of the few designs that
actually advance the state of the art. Fortunately for us, Ivan didn't reallise
what an immense task he had set himself and his team, or they might never have
started it.