Reply to Graham Clarke
<<The tunnel which looked empty when it had only the >>
<<wheel in it, is filling up pretty quickly with all sorts of gadgets >>
<<competing for space>>
This is the busiest part of the airframe! The other thing to watch is when
fitting the throttle quadrant. Get it as far back as possible (just touching
tyre when up), because if you don't your hand will foul the panel with trottle
lever in full forward position!
Moving the rudder pulley up 1" doesn't work (been there, bought the 'T' shirt,
etc) because the rudder cables foul the transverse flap actuating bar (the one
behind the fuel tank) in the flaps down position. My current solution is to
install an extra pulley each side, about same fuz station as front of seat
bases, to route the cables above the caliper and wheel hub, I'm still awaiting
factory and PFA consent on this, as the greater wrap angle on the existing
pulley increases the loading and needs some figures to back up the mod. I must
admit that I don't much like the factory solution of pulling the cables sideways
with tufnol rubbing blocks, in our case the starboard cable had to be pulled so
far that it touched the tunnel sides!
If you are doing the LA tunnel mod (Yes, I am. In middle age the mind narrows
and the waist broadens, I plead guilty to both <g>), cut the holes sooner rather
than later, it makes access much easier. Get everything into place then do the
closing layups last.
Best Wishes to all for a happy & prosperous 1996. May your dreams sprout wings
and fly!
Allan J Hall #177
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