Reply to Graham (Gemin),
<<Maybe your cables are nearer the centre than mine. The curve of tube has
started to rise where my cables pass by about 10mm>>
Yes, our pulleys are spaced out with 4 or 5 washers, this was done to clear the
U/C mounting frame uprights at the front. If you are lifting the cables, have
you fitted fuel cock and outlet hoses from tank yet? If not, I would advise you
to fit these first, as you may find that cables run bang in line with outlet
hoses, and cables may have to be lifted further, or hoses bent down and cables
routed over rather than under hoses. If you are going above hoses with the
cables, some form of protection to hoses would be essential.
Also, make sure you have max possible articulation on U/C trailing arm, so that
it is up as far as possible. We have the earlier version of bungee mod, and fit
it without instructions. When we took everything apart again for painting, we
found that we should have filed a curve onto the mod plates, as they were
catching on lower steel suspension block and preventing full articulation. After
correction we got the wheel another 1 1/2 inches further up into the tunnel.
Only problem is that we had already set the flap linkage up, so we ordered more
parts and have this to re-do :-(
Allan #177