---- Mail Item Text Follows
From: John Ellerington
Subject: Greetings and Information
Just a note to introduce myself - I'm only an interested spectator at
this stage - I've got to rebuild my garage before I can even consider
constructing an aircraft. I hold a PPL(H) but haven't used it for a
few years due to mortgage expenses. The Europa seems like a cost
effective alternative with most of the flexibility of a helicopter
(flying from farm strips rather than expensive airfields especially).
I notice from the latest PILOT magazine that there are a couple of
part-finished Europas for sale - the details are:-
1) Wings, tail complete. Fuselage started. Instruments, Rotax 912
available separately. 01505 842721.
2) Complete airframe, painted, ready for engine, with trailer
01584 811183.
Hope this will be of interest, HAPPY LANDINGS to all!
John Ellerington
SuperMIX Project team