>>If these guides force any significant deflection there would be always be wear
at the ends to be watched though eh ?<<
Yes there would, the way round that would be to arrange the ends to be
undeflected. Probably also leave the last few inches of the Nylaflo unattached
and free to float. If wear were expected the Nylaflo could be made replaceable
by sleeving it in tube the next size up , then it can be slipped out and a new
piece slipped in. It would have to be split, of course.
BTW When the gear is retracted the right hand cable is only just above the brake
calliper and very close to the brake hose. When making all these adjustments
make sure the gear goes to the highest position it's likely to in service.
Adjusting the preload on the rubber block will raise the gear another half inch.
I had to deflect the cable slightly when I finally set the preload.
On reflection I'm even more inclined to sleeve the cables with Nylaflo, it will
prevent them from sawing there way through whatever else they might touch, like
brake lines and fuel lines.