>Reply to Graham Singleton <<I am convinced, now, that a return bleed from
>downstream of the engine driven fuel pump back to the tank is necessary to
>fuel vaporisation problems.>>
How come so many people are concerned with fuel vaporisation problems on the
912? I have flown my SKYFOX (Australian derivate of the Kitfox) with a 912
for around 280 Hrs in summer in Australia, including the centre and deserts
and never had any vapoorizing problems. Same with my current 912 powered
Lightwing. The Fox had its airintake in front of the engine and had carb
icing problems near the coast and near cloudbase on warm days, but no
vapour, So?
> I am fitting a fuel flow
And I have been looking for an affordable fuel flow meter for a year or
more. Many years ago VDO produced a simple one for about $75! But it did not
sell and they discontinued production, I understand. What have you come up
with? Please let us know, Ok? Thanks.