A suggestion on the Acetone. Don't use it except in extreme cases when you're
cleaning up your epoxy.
Denatured Alchol works just as well, as isn't nearly as toxic.
Also a tip I picked up but havn't tried yet is vinegar (now there's a smell).
I was at a seminar on composites and the instructor said vinegar would remove
epoxy even if it's
almost hardened if you let it sit in the vinegar for a day or so.
Bill Henderson
---------- Forwarded Message ----------
DATE: 3/13/96 5:33 PM
RE: Re: Acetone pong
From: BOLFAM4@aol.com
Date: Wed, 13 Mar 1996 15:09:19 -0500
Subject: Re: Acetone pong
>Then the "double fez" container* which holds the brushes dipping
>into the acetone has to be opened and rapidly fills the atmosphere..
Dear Gemin and all, you could try cleaning your brushes in fairy liquid or
something similar? I slosh mine around hard in a generous squirt of the
stuff, dump it, repeat it then give the brush a thorough washing off in
lots of fresh water. Then I put them to dry and find that, if I did it well
(and before they started to set) they are fine to use again. Ron S No 33