Might we expect Peter Lert here? That would be good, he's got lots of stories to
tell. I remember he was impressed when he flew with PC at SnF last year, did he
go back and fly again. Seem to remember PC was impressed too, that's rare.
I hear that the first South African Europa is flying. No name, Alizon couldn't
remember it.
Gunther Weinhart from Austria got checked out in GK Whip yesterday and remarked
that he now felt that a check out was necessary even if you are as experienced
as (he was) my words. Jon Tye said the same. Don't be tempted to do your own
first flight unless you are current on Europas. The only real difficulty is the
visual apsect over the nose on round out. (Everything dissapears!) Not as bad as
a Pitts though, or a Glasair FT. At 50 kts you have time to think a bit.