Hi guys
My name is Peter Chaisty, I live in the south of England, and spouse / funds
permitting I am considering building a Europa.
Rather than just listening to you mails I would like to be able to help / offer
advice in my particular area of expertise.
I am an electronics design engineer with 13 years or so experience and my own
consultancy, I am also a Vice president of the
Institute of British Engineers.
Re: your white stick.
Ultrasonics are unlikely to work in your particular application due to ground
reflection, ground speed, possible interfering noise from engine ,airflow etc.
You would get further with a Radar doppler unit, as used in security proximity
sensors. This would reflect from almost any surface, the big problem is
measuring the time of flight of the echo, this is not really practical.
Ground speed and precense of ground would be easily retrieved due to the
doppler effect and most of these detectors give a suitable conditioned output,
thus you could use a tone activated when ground is detected and varied in
frequency by the strength of the reflected signal.( you would need an AGC output
---From unit)
One other possibility a la dambusters, is to use two units set to bounce a
signal off the ground and into the other unit, when it is
a predetermined distance from the ground the signals will reflect into each
By adjusting the angle of the units, the ground distance trigger point could be
If you are serious about this, I could possibly help further.
Re: Europa Rides
Does anyone fly from Shoreham or nearby in a Europa, Would anyone consider
giving me a ride in return for fuel / landing fees.