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cabin heating ?

Subject: cabin heating ?
Date: Wed, 10 Apr 1996 02:47:08
Its a long time since I flew in G-YURO but I distinctly remember there was a
ducted heating system, a point which Ivan Shaw made a point of mentioning.
Somewhere along the way, Europa aviation decided not to provide this as part
of the kit. Although I understand the exhaust muffler has a heat exchanger,
the problem of getting the hot air to where it is needed seems to lie with
the builder. A phone call to the factory did not provide any practial
suggestions other than to speak to other builders so here is the question.
Has anyone any thoughts on a heating/ demisting system or where one could
source the parts. I would prefer to obtain a largely ready made system rather
than fabricate ducts, connectors, baffles etc since I am spending too much
time already on the multiplicity of mods that Europa seem to be coming up

Carl Pattinson - Kit 49

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