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Re: Re: Gel-coat magic stuff

Subject: Re: Re: Gel-coat magic stuff
From: Ian Seager <>
Date: Tue, 16 Apr 1996 22:45:49
I'm not an expert on gel coats, and I missed the second day at Staverton,
but I believe that gel coats require a hard waxing every year, last time I
knew someone who had it done on a glider  (The hard wax that is, not the
gel coat) it cost about =A3300. This isn't an argument against gel coat
(There's nothing more beautiful than a well finishd and cared for hot glass
glider in my opinion), but something to bear in mind...

Ian Seager FLYER Magazine, 3 Kingsmead Square, Bath, BA1 2AB
Tel: 01225 481440 Fax: 01225 481262

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