Door Smoke Ports....
I notice on G-OPJK on the cover of Flyer Jan 96, that the Port door has a
frame insert and is no doubt a small smoke window, not dissimilar to that
found on older cars known as the Quarter Window. This mod is not on G-KITS
in the same photo. Is this an approved mod i.e. a factory approved option,
or did the builder think it as a most necessary requirement ?( I think some
such system is a must!) Could the builder offer his rationale and techniques
maybe? i.e. why not place it in the starboard door to keep the smoke away
---From the pilot?
Has anyone considered such a port to be fuselage mounted rather than thru
the window, or is there an obvious negative to this that eludes me?
Fletner Strips...
Can someone explain the following quote taken from the same Flyer article re
anti-balance tabs:
"and the tab trailing edges have been thickened up to produce 'Fletner
Strips' using plastic paper binders. It transpires that what was happening
in YURO was that the tab trailing edges were floating within a thickened
boundary layer and weren't sensitive to very small trim changes. The new
tabs react instantly, the Fletner Strips ensuring that the training edges
punch out of the boundary layer etc.etc.
Plastic Paper clips, Fletner Strips?
Heated Pitot Heads...
Lastly, could anyone elaborate on the type of pitot/static probe mentioned
recently, and has anyone fitted a heated one to date?
I feel a little bit like a bloodsucker to date, picking peoples brains,
however in the not too distant future I hope to be able to at least
volunteer another humble opinion.
Thanks in anticipation
Tony Renshaw (Builder No. 236 )