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Re: new subscriber - build time/space

Subject: Re: new subscriber - build time/space
From: Peter Davis <>
Date: Tue, 30 Apr 1996 14:01:07
In reply to Bill Barham -

Construction time seems to be panning out at 2-2,500 hours.

Space for building - I am using a single garage but am very pushed for space and
have to store stuff not immediately in use elsewhere - like the wings etc. A
double and single garage would be nice, but more would be even better. When you
come to rig/set up the wings you will either have to go outside or use a small
industrial unit, or enormous garage, of course, if you have one.

Good idea to allocate the space, but I would suggest that you forget the
schedule. Building the 'plane is a very enjoyable thing to do but the only way
to approach it - for me at least - is to take it one step at a time and then
decide how long to allocate to the project once it has been completed.

As they say - the retroscope is a very accurate instrument.



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