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Re: Antennas and Plans

Subject: Re: Antennas and Plans
Date: Wed, 1 May 1996 16:12:13

 Hello all,

        A couple of days ago John Cliff wrote:

>Is the com antenna mentioned in documentation that comes with later kit 
>stages - i.e. do I need later documentation before I build the fin - or 
>am I barking up the wrong tree ?

        The details are all in the fuzz instructions John, you dont 
need to worry about aerials yet unless you are planning on sticking 
things in the wings - see earlier postings for peoples ideas on this.

        I am also sticking a strobe on the top of the fin, nothing 
else underneath or on the wingtips, if they need to see it from below 
just roll inverted occasionally ;-)

chus, dave

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