Before everyone rushes off merrily buying BNC connecters remember they
come in two impedance flavours, 75 ohm and 50 ohm. Ensure you buy a
Useless tip #42
---From time to time second hand transponders come up for sale often minus
the tray. To enable the unit to be withdrawn from the rack the RF
connecter looks a bit special so everyone hunts around and pays
ludicrous prices for trays. Don't fabricate a tray from some 0.024" al
and buy one standard BNC free plug, compression or crimp.
Ever so carefully file through the rotating locking ring until it falls
off. Inside you will find a circlip and spring washer which retained the
locking ring. Carefully remove both and pass the connecter through the
hole in the tray then re-assemble the washer and circlip to retain. Make
up the cable connection in the normal way.
Viola, a non locking BNC free plug. Most transponder suppliers charge an
arm and a leg for this little item. Maplin's sell them for pounds 1.89
and 1.19 for the crimp type. You can also purchase 0.156" edge
connecters from RS Components which will mate with Narco boards.
Graham E Laucht