Tony Renshaw wrote:
> Whilst I am in limbo waiting to sell my house and move to the new one with
> the 3 car garage to start my tail kit project, which patiently sits in its
> box, I feel its time to contribute a few titbits that have come across my
> desk in the last fortnight. I'll call these the "Aussie Chat" and if you
> like them, thats great, if you don't, simply trash them. If you don't want
> them in this forum tell me and I'll practice my typing on something else. If
> you do want them, let me know.
Great stuff - lets have more !
> This first one is a summation of another British aircraft whose success I
> can truly only wish for the Europa. I should know. I spent over 1000 hours
> strapped into one! Here goes!
We have a few of these aerodynamic marvels in the smaller
of the Eastern
Caribbean and I understand that they fly like a C172 except that if the door
fails and you
forget to turn off the clockwork you can easily lose you head as you disembark
Martin W. Berner,
26 Mayfield Road, Valsayn Park, Trinidad, The West Indies
Live Long and Prosper !