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Re: Pin holes in filler

Subject: Re: Pin holes in filler
From: Graham Clarke <>
Date: Mon, 20 May 1996 21:53:46
I would add to that : mix the colloidal silica and filler DRY. It goes to 
a fine powder (like micro) and mixes with the epoxy much faster and 
smoother. Try not to trap air by stirring too deeply and vigorously. 
Withdrawing the stirrer gently can be seen to draw bubbles to the 
surface. The brushing filler supplied with the factory paint kit is quite 
clever. It is so thin that it looks as if it wouldn't fill anything, but 
this allows it to creep into pinholes and being 2-part it then magically 
goes solid. But you have to do a light sand first to break the top film 
which covers a lot of the pinholes.


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