Graham Singleton has quite rightly emphasised the need for protecting the
skin from contact with resins. I would like to add that there is also a real
need to wear respiratory protection. Many Europa builders may be embarking on
their first composite projects and may well get- away without the use of a
respirator the first time around as I did with my first project.
Unfortunately I developed a severe allergy to the Europa resin halfway
through the project despite an eight year break between my first and second
project. I now experience severe hay fever symptoms at the slightest exposure
to my Europa (and to other builders workshops). Fifteen minutes or more in
the workshop without a respirator can bring on this effect (watering eyes and
incessant sneezing) Fortunately I can control this with by using anti
histamine drugs. Its the only way I am going to finish my aircraft.
Please dont think "it wont happen to me", unless of course you never intend
to build again. What I have experienced is A KNOWN SIDE EFFECT from exposure
to resins. The dust that generates from sanding and cutting through laminates
is equally harmful.
The only way to minimise this exposure is to wear a carbon filter respirator
at all times when working indoors on your Europa. I know it looks daft and
its a real pain in the ass, but once you develop this allergy it will be with
you for life !
3M make an excellent comfortable mask - twin filter (available from auto
trade paint suppliers). It is an A1 Organic Vapour Respirator - Part No 5651.
Cost is about twelve pounds
Sorry to have to emphasise the doom & gloom side of building.
Carl Pattinson
G- LABS (still building !)