Graham Clarke writes:-
"<the first and only Factory Contribution that we have had> must have been
relayed via the US, as when I replied to the address given, the US arm
came back, having relayed my message back across the Altantic by fax !
Apparently the factory is not online yet."
True. The US plugged in and that is their address, but not the UK.
I was talking to Andy about the 'net a few weeks ago and he tells me that they
are intending to come 'on line' soon but are as yet unsure how to pitch it as
they could end up employing someone full time just to answer the 'net messages
if they are not careful.
He admits that he 'listens in' to these pages so do not assume that your
intimacies go unnoticed - or noticed for that matter!
As I understand things, when they come on line they will be there for direct
messages to the factory, and maybe to keep a watching brief on the chit-chat to
enable then to come in when someone is suggesting something silly or dangerous.
I'm sure that we can all appreciate the potential legal minefield that they
could end up negotiating if they were officially 'on line' and failed to pick up
on something that resulted in an accident. As we all know, it's only the legal
profession that wins in any situation! No apologies to lawyers out there - they
can make their contributions to the Architect's Benevolent Fund at any time!