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Subject: Re: G-ODTI
Date: Sat, 8 Jun 1996 18:35:27
Glad to hear of another successful Europa completion. Graham S, you have
referred to the "bounce moderator " on several occasions. Could you tell the
viewers exactly what this device is and where one might fit it. I hear  that
someone (Ivan perhaps ?) is planning to produce this as a retro fit  device
at a cost of about #150. Any comment ?
Might we see this at Cranfield ?
---From rumours I have heard recently regarding the bouncing capacity of the
standard Europa U/C am beginning to get the impression that this is almost
going to be a must.

Can we assume from Ivans change of registration to GOD  TI that he has been
promoted from "our leader". Any suggestions as to what the TI might stand for

Happy Building
or Flying

Carl Pattinson

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