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Re: Does Bondo Stick to Paint???

Subject: Re: Does Bondo Stick to Paint???
Date: Wed, 12 Jun 1996 15:28:45
Yes it does stick to paint but then the paint chips off. Most concrete floors
have a thin overcoat (for levelling purposes) and this chips away too. You
really need to chisel away at the floor to make sure its is solid otherwise
the supports do come away. If you really want to be sure put a few screws
through into the concrete.

The factory method isnt wonderful but it works. The trouble is you tend to
kick the supports and then you need to re bondo them. Usually though only one
support comes away at a time and the others hold things in place till you fix
the broken one.

Distance between supports isnt critical. I think we had four at about 4ft
intervals, one under the elbow of the spar, one at the tip end and the other
two spaced in between.

Hope this helps,

Carl Pattinson

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