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Re: Open flame!?!

Subject: Re: Open flame!?!
From: Kerry Lamb <>
Date: Sun, 16 Jun 1996 14:23:18
Thanks Rolph, TonyR, and also to the others who responded.

I must admit that while I was thinking about the chemical solvents involved
I had compleatly forgotten about the ignition possibilities of the dust!
Out in the country one passes by grain elevators without thinking about it,
but they do on occasion go bang...

Thinking about the suggestions made and the fact that the water heater
(bomb) is already in part walled off I will put up a plastic curtain and put
a vent fan in the back wall and a smaller vent into the basement this in
combination with the exhaust fans under the garage door should keep positive
pressure where I don't want chemical fumes or dust. Since I had already
planned to put the chemical solvents etc in the other corner by the exhaust
fans (away from the inside door), my problem should be resolved :-)

Thanks, Kerry

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