>Hi, Martin--
> I'm just about to start out on my Europa and should be getting a
>ratio pump in the next couple of days.
> I notice that the instructions don't make any special mention of
>aeropoxy. Does it use the same 25:100 ratio by weight as Ampreg? And do
>you happen to know what the _volume_ ratio is? I've heard the figure of
>29:100 tossed around.
> thanx, Peter Lert
I thought that I would butt in on this message as you misdirected it.
We bought a pump and set it up to 29:100. On the face of it, the resin set
fine and we thought that it was the right ratio. It wasn`t. I borrowed a
chemical balance and found that the ratio had to be set to 30:100 volume to
stay within the 4 percent safety margins for the Ampreg resin.
I stress, the 30:100 ratio may not be the case for every pump but it would
be worth double checking its output for weight ratios using a chemical
balance rather than relying on a figure that is banded about. You don`t want
to be doing your flying surfaces again :-)
I don`t know about Aeroresin I am afraid. But it sounds good if it doesn`t
stay tacky on the surface like the Ampreg!!!
//// Eddie Hatcher //// Kit 279 /////
//// South East London Flying Group /////
//// bizzarro@easynet.co.uk /////