Hello Duncan,
you wrote:
>Does anyone have any smart solutions for (at least partially) sealing the
>annulus between the firewall and the rudder pedals?
>For example, felt seals attached to the firewall plus some form of wear
>resistance on the pedal shafts.
>Share those good ideas!!
>Rgds. Duncan McFadyean
One solution i have seen is to get a thin sheet of 'tufnol', about
1/16 to 1/8 inch, cut out a rectangle to cover the hole by about 1 cm
all round. Measure and cut out 2 holes for the rudder pedal tubes,
allowing a slight clearance, and then with a thin blade cut
horizontally through the tufnol from one side almost but not quite to
the other side.
| - - |
| / \ / \ |
| ---| |---| |---------| <<<Make cut here
| \ / \ / |
| - - |
You can then spring the tufnol apart and slide it over the tubes. Bond
with your favourite resin and go play with your pet crocodile while it
chus, dave