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Re: Final report on ski sanding.

Subject: Re: Final report on ski sanding.
From: Graham Clarke <>
Date: Wed, 26 Jun 1996 18:27:45
When I wrote about this method (11.2.96) it had only been tested on the 
tail surfaces where the area accessible to the ski sander was small. 
Using the device on the wings needed only a few hours to reduce them to 
"local defects only" state. Local defects (depressions which cannot be 
sanded out due to nearby thin areas) are left by inadequate thickness of 
fill and poor spreading. Most are on the first side which used 0.4 
fishing line. 1mm was used for the rest, and having seen how quickly the 
sander can remove material, I would go even thicker in future to reduce 
the total time. 

There are two recommendations gained from this experience. One is to 
resist the temptation to speed things up further by pressing on the top. 
It is already more than ten times faster than hand sanding and you will 
only raise the probability of going to far. If fact you need to use only 
one hand and wave the thing across the surface like a hover mower. The 
second is not to go too far down towards the leading edge. The local 
contact pressure and therefore removal rate goes up extremely rapidly and 
you risk getting flats before you have time to see them. (Materials 
Ampreg 20, 410 microfiller with 20% fused silica. For sander see 

gemin  No.83

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