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Re: 12" drills

Subject: Re: 12" drills
Date: Fri, 2 Aug 1996 04:34:53
In a message dated 31/07/96  22:52:52, you write:

>Can anyone tell me which 12" drills would be useful for building the Europa?

I have a no' of these drills in a range of sizes but the most useful to me
have been the 3/32"  1/8"  and the 3/16"   their use is not immediatley
obvious but as you can drill with them bent by at least 10 or more degrees
they are very useful indeed. EG drilling the inset brackets in the wing to
take the flap hinge support plates  w19 I think from memory. Having found
them I would hate to be without them now.  I made an even longer drill to
drill the tapping size holes for the wing pins with a two foot long drill
lining up a hole to a line marked on the spar becomes a breeze.   Ron S No

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