I have been told by someone in the know that there are two new visuses around
against which there are not any effective programmes and which are specifically
written for transmission/propagation via E-mail.
The subject to look for in the title headings are 'Good Times' and 'PKZIP
300.ZIP'. Apparently both these can transmit by not only getting onto your
computer, but they read your address book and past addressees and sent
themselves to all those others. Clever, eh!
They trash your hard disk and apparently one of them sets up some sort of binary
loop that stuffs the processor as well, although I forget which one (not that it
necessarily matters).
I suppose that the only thing we can do to protect against these is to read the
headings of our mail before downloading it all (unlike my present method), and
if a suspect heading is noticed, then delete it before downloading the rest.
Hope nobody has any problems, 'cos we could all have it then!
Luv & kisses,
Peter Davis