Hi, I'm Dave Howard, thanks to a slightly more expensive trip than
I hoped up to Kirkbymoorside I've become builder number #309 -
well there's a bedroom full of foam and resin.
Firstly, thanks to those who have contributed to this discussion
group since it was started. It was good to hear from real builders
Construction wont start for a month or so whilst the workshop gets
sorted, so some advice and guidance on a couple of matters would
be a help.
Resin Pumps - I think I'll 'invest' though I'm a little concerned
about the accuracy of them. I accept there is a risk with them
delivering duff mixes, but is this actually a problem in reality
and is it any worse than using a couple of cups and scales? Also
on the same topic, my kit came with two types of hardner, how does
the pump cope with this ?
Safety Equipment - I'll give SP Systems a call, but suggestions as
to the most effective mask and gloves are most welcome - I think
I'll come down on the side of safety rather than comfort.
I've sat neatly on the fence and ordered neither a tri-cycle gear
or a mono. Other than the obvious slowness of the tri-cycle and
it's inability to drag itself out of rough fields are there any
other pros/cons ? Is the tri-cycle any worse than a PA38 or C150
in this respect ? I'd heard a rumour that there had been some
cooling problems on G-KITS. I've done precious little flying since
getting a FAA PPL a few years back so something that isn't tricky
to fly kind of appeals.
I'm sure there are lots of other things I should be asking but
don't want to bog you down at the start.
Finally, if there are any builders between the west of Derby and
Worksop (the two possible locations for the building) expect a
phone call ! If anyone wants to volunteer for a visit first please
step forward....
Dave Howard