<<3) How comfortable is it for someone 6' 2"?>>
Well that's my height - its close, you can't have a thickwodge of seat
foam- I posted my design to the ftp, which uses flexible ply above a gap,
then 2" of foam above. Any more and you need an astrodome, (or lean in
towards your partner ?)
<<4) Can it be rigged solo?>>
Well yes, but you'd better be fit and you need some extras which have
discussed before in the forum, e.g. a wingtip dolly, guides for the spar
ends and roots, and cones on the flap pins at least.
<<6) Anyone created a Microsoft FS5.0 aircraft file for thier Europa?>>
Yes, Ted Gladstone and I posted one in the FTP some time back. Its got my
callsign on it, but as you need Flightshop as well as FS to fly it, you
can change it yourself. I also have scenery for Wombledon, complete with
authentic control tower, hangar, factory, but if you have the Gemini
CD-Rom for the UK scenery, you will have that already.
Graham 2 (gemin)