Thanks for those who replied to my last question concerning resin
pumps and safety equipment. Whilst doing research I've picked up
some other info concerning post curing which I'd like the
collectives opinion on.
Some helpful people at SP Systems suggested post curing needs to
be done within 2 weeks of laminating. I had the impression from he
manual that this was done as a batch job near the end of the
project. The guy also suggested post curing components several
times wasn't a problem - e.g. if you are only part way through the
wing within the two weeks, post cure it then complete the job when
you can.
As a side effect of the above, he suggested that when applying the
resin the min temp needed to be only 18C, and that if the temp
fell below this overnight (my real worry in the garage) it was no
big deal as the post cure would sort it out.
In summary - Post Curing is required and should be done within 2
weeks. Initial curing at lower temperatures than indicated is not
a major problem if post curing is done at the appropriate time.
Does this make sense to the people with more composite experience?
Dave Howard
(#309 - well I'll get the garage finished soon)