Gidday all,
Can someone please tell me where I can find out more about the Goldwing
Strobes being fitted by some builders? I know of the Whelan product from my
Aircraft Spruce Catalogue, and also the Airworld Skyflash product. The
skyflash strobe flashes a double flash at 14 Joules output from one of a
pair of strobe heads, then follows this up with another double flash from
the other strobe head at 12 Joules output each. This is with a total power
requirement of 2 amps, giving 60-80 cycles per minute.The dimensions of the
power unit is 110mmX90mmX43mm, weighing 11 ounces(310 grams).
Each Strobe Head is an ellipse of 85 mm long by 31mm at the widest point.
(Really small!!)
Airworld Skyflash Dual Flash Single Head System 191.48 Pounds
Airworld Skyflash Single Flash Unit 118.29 Pounds
Can any of the electrical buffs tell me what candlepower this would produce
so I can make a better comparison with the Whelan. I imagine they are
nowhere near as powerful as you only needs 2 amps to run them. You only get
the performance that you pay for, I suppose.
What was it with these units, the Airworld, that was impressive to those
that saw them? Was it only their size? Were they dazzlingly bright such that
you would think them adaquate in low visibility without your traffic having
to be right on top of you to see them??
Thanks to the respondents about tackiness!!
Tony Renshaw