Don't to turn this into the U2 group but ....
Ron S. wrote
>> T.T.
Motoring with OzWin 2.10 (g3) to the bit I read you are not allowed to attempt
landing unless there is another U2 pilot in a chase car stationed on a parrallel
runway to talk you in. Hope it's wrong but I don't think so.????? <<
At an Alconbury airshow some years ago, the line-up of statics included a U2
with its 'driver', who was very chatty. Amongst other things, he claimed that on
his way to Cambridgeshire that morning, he'd shut off his engine over North
Carolina and coasted the rest of the way. So hopefully, Europa's share a
similarly long range and economical cruise.
Mind you, he didn't specify the altitude at the start of his transatlantic leg