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Re Panel & Instrument Count

Subject: Re Panel & Instrument Count
From: Tony Krzyzewski <>
Date: Mon, 14 Oct 1996 09:29:38

> I dont know but I like the idea of using them as a cheap A/H. How do they
> perform when inverted? :-).

Oh yes, and what happens that one time that you do stray into cloud? Of course
we all know that VFR 
pilots _never_ get caught out like that but then again, why do you spend so much
time flying instruments
to get your PPL if they don't expect you to need it one day. Sure, you can fly
minimal instrument with a
turn and slip but if I got caught out I really would like the have an AH in 
of me.

> If RMI do as they plan, my instument panel could consist of the Encoder and 
> and
> a Skymap. What shall I do with the rest of the space?

Simple, get yourself the RMI engine management system as well!

Seriously though...

When you plan your panel do this.... imagine that you are flying over cloud at
4500 feet, have lost all power (mechanical 
and electrical) and have to make an emergency landing over an area that you know
the height of (hopefully without meeting
granite clouds on the way down). What instruments do you need in front of you in
order to make a safe and effective landing?

The choice of instruments becomes very simple when you consider a worst case 
doesn't it. I would consider Compass, 
AH and ASI as my must have instruments followed by VSI and turn and slip as 
- funny, looks just like a 
conventional panel. Maybe those guys in the thirties who designed the basic 
layout actually knew something about 
flying VFR. :-) 


Date: 10/14/96
Time: 08:29:38 New Zealand Summer Time (UTC +13)

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