As a rider to Graham C`s posting, I would ask wether the drop tests also
consider torsional loads generated by landing at a crab angle. JAR-VLA doesn`t
require this in the "deemed to satisfy" drop test, but neither does JAR
specifically recognise the type of U/C that the Europa has. Okay, the design may
not have to allow for all poor piloting techniqes acting simultaneously, but if
the landing is sufficiently bodged to be heavy then theres a good chance of some
sideways component too (with a force of upto 0.83 of the landing force??). This
may be a Red Herring, but has it been considered?
On a more positive note, when I built a Kitfox some years ago I used to dread a
letter arriving from the Agent (never got anything off the factory) with details
of the next required mod., normally at my expense. The last major Kitfox mod.
resulted in grounding for a few months and a longish wrangle with the factory to
provide the necessary hardware. I am happy that the Europa has not reached that
stage, added to which Europa model nos. 1 to 5 have been incorporated into one
product. I could mention other kitplanes where mods. are introduced requiring
major revision or binning of completed components.
There`s a parallel here with our Construction Industry where in the UK
modifications and updates tend to get incorporated to the structure rather than
building yesterday`s model today in order to be able to sell today`s model
tomorrow. At least that`s the reason the UK takes longer to build things.
I doubt whether the above reflects the current mood however!
Rgds. Duncan McFadyean. No 175.