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Re: PC Purchase

Subject: Re: PC Purchase
Date: Sun, 10 Nov 1996 07:44:12
Sorry if it has taken so long to respond to this one but yes, I have just
purchased a computer supposedly for home use. It is a Highscreen 120mhz
Pentium from Tandys. Includes 8mb RAM, a 1.2gb hard drive, a soundcard/
internal speakers and a 8x CD ROM. Price was #999 incl VAT. 
It probably isnt a bargain but certainly a lot cheaper than Dixons/ Currys
etc and these were available on a buy now, dont pay a penny for 6 months
The model I chose was bottom of the available range, but quite adequate for
home use.
I had seen 486's advertised for about #450 in Computer Shopper but I see no
point in buying yesterdays technology. I guess it depends what you want to do
with it.

Carl P

PS - I think they have Tandy stores North of Hadrians Wall !

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