Carl asks :-
>> Have any builders as yet attempted this mod and if so with what level of
success ?<<
I am just leaving to see the results of some ' welding in situ' after a
call from a worried builder that the shaft in the bronze bearings is now
very stiff!! Carl's predictions seem to have come true.
Surely, it must be possible for a non-welding fix. Can't all the experts
out there come up with something. I would rather have the 'unsightly' U
bolts back again if they solved the problem.
Andy claims I am paranoid about this problem but I'm not alone in my great
concern. We have spent a lot of time AND money getting this far and don't
want to spoil it now. I suggested it in private to Europa Aviation before,
without response, so now go public with my question to the factory :-
As we cannot send our frame to you, and you seemingly will not accept our
fuselages at the factory to do this welding, why don't you send YOUR EXPERT
WELDER to us? In UK we could gather a few ready prepared fuselages together
at convenient locations to give a full days work to save time and
travelling and I'm sure provide B&B for him(or her!) as well. This doesn't
help our foreign builders though.
The early builders are definatly being disadvantaged with this problem and
Ivan was addament this would not happen!!
David 'paranoid' Barraclough
Now Builder No. 12A!!