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Re: Europa info

Subject: Re: Europa info
Date: Thu, 28 Nov 1996 17:13:05
Europajim wrote.
      I have just reserved kit #058 and I will start building it in January.
 What information can you give me to help me be a successful builder. I just
went to the Web for Europa and looked it over. They gave me your name ect.
 Thanks for your time.


Sorry but that is a book writing task  As you have the Web stuff you should
have the address of Rowland Carson    who is
membership sec of the Europa Club  if you sign on with him and get the back
no's of the Europa Flyer and then download  Europa Chat from avnet you shold
have quite enough to keep you going for a while .Then if you keep up to speed
with this group I think  you will have a better help system than almost any
other kitplane  there is worldwide.   All the best  Ron S No33

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