Were both of the punctures aircraft tires or the commercial ATV tires?
Would like to know a few more details about the actual failure mode. Was
it an actual puncture along the tread?
There may be a reason that we don't hear of many punctures from aircraft
On Sat, 30 Nov 1996 Gramin@aol.com wrote:
> Bill Wynne's puncture during landing is the second reported . Has it started
> alarm bells ringing at Europa ? After all, two frame distortions provoked
> Mod.37. In 30 years of flying I have never had (or even heard of ) punctures
> in conventional light aircraft and here we have two in what must the the low
> thousands of landings by Europas. The proximity of the brake caliper to the
> bulging part of the tyre must be the prime suspect. Drop tests would probably
> not show damage with the wheel stationary, so perhaps an investigation is
> required before more of us suffer this expensive and potentially dangerous
> event.
> Graham C.