<<50 % of the time spent will be head scratching>
Add about 10% for explanations to spouse. e.g.
Why do we now have a part-grey hall carpet ?.
Where did our black cat go to, and where did the white one come from ?
Why do I stick to the telephone now ?
How did the electricity bill double this winter ?
When can I get back my garage (kitchen stools, cutlery, scissors etc. etc.) .
Why is there a white outline of a fuselage on the drive-way ?
Why is that beam above my garage door bent ?
Do delivery men really have to wake us every other morning ?
No, that wedding dress in the loft isn't glass fibre.
When can we go on hoilday next ?
Why are you offering me overalls for Christmas ?
Has there really been a computer error on our savings account ?
No doubt this list will be extended by other builders,
Graham C.