Dear Tony great idea and thanks for the prize donation here is my effort.
The vaccuum sander that I built used a fair spread of bits but best of all
it fulfilled its purpose very well indeed. Take 1 fortyfive year old
electrolux cylinder cleaner. 2. Various lumps of Electric Trunking and or
plastic fall pipe up to 4 ft long for the splines. 3 Abrazive paper to
cover same & 4. blue foam to bung up the ends. 5. Swimming pool condaluted
? hose as used on pools. This is made in poythene and is much lighter than
ordinary cleaner hose (It is still a good idea to take the weight with shock
cords from the ceiling at two or three points when you do the wings. 6. Lots
of gaffer tape(which seems to be turning into duct tape???)
This tool really does keep a heck of a lot of dust out of your
system(respitory)/garage/ aeroplane house WHY
The other rather special accesory that I have used is onlly available if you
llive close by Northleigh and have some spare fruit or chockalate. He is my
seven yr old grandson Harry and he is great for all the mods and what have
you that need dong in the rear of the fus'. I do not ask him to do wet resin
work as i thought he may get stuck in there forever. Trouble is he now
knows there is enough room for seats for him and his elder brother Tom in
the back and he is not terribly impressed by the weak excuses put up by his
grandfather about weight and balance and all tha theoretical stuff.
Good to be back to you all, lots of Physio groaning to do yet but I can get
on with circuit diagrams an all that good stuff.
Happy New year to you all Keep well and fly safeley Ron S No 33.