Steven A Eberhart wrote:
> On Wed, 5 Feb 1997, Ken Bryan wrote:
> > to Rolf Muller
> > No offence meant, my comments were quite serious and were intended to start
> > a discussion,
> > Speak to some people flying Europas.
> > Regards,,
> >
> I didn't keep the original post that referred to the handling
> characteristics of the Europa but I remember feeling that the comments
> made were what I would expect to see on rec.aviation.homebuilt i.e. a
> little bit of fact sourounded bu a lot of supposition from a low time or
> no time pilot. I am a low time pilot, 43 hours over 25 years ago and
> only 2 1/2 current hours. The 1/2 hour was in the Lakeland, FL.
> demonstrator G-ELSA. I was so totally impressed with the Europa that I
> was immediately stricken with Europaitis and have to have one.
> Every airplane design has its own pecularities and the Europa is no
> exception. If you feel that the landing and takeoff characteristics of
> the Europa are dangerous then the tandem gear Europa might not be the
> plane for you... get the Tri-Gear version, its a pussy cat with few vices.
> Back in my 43 hours I spent 4 hours of dual in a Citabria. If you think
> that you can ignore landing speeds, technique and attidude then I hope you
> have the extra cash to buy a new prop ;-). Talk to people that have flown
> the plane and fly one yourself before you start forming a judgement.
> Now that I have said all of this I will express my views on the Europa.
> I think the flying characteristics are so good that they set a new
> standard of excellence for all aircraft to be compaired against. Here in
> the US the soft field performance of the tandem gear is not as great a
> feature as it is in the UK. I would like to see a conventional gear
> version that uses an arrangement similar to the Van RV aircraft. I can't
> imagine a more perfect airplane, for my purposes, than a Europa with
> conventional gear, minimum VFR compliment of gauges but with a single LCD
> display panel right in the middle of the panel and the BMW Boxer engine.
> Sure I would like to see pre molded wing and tail skins but the wet layup
> construction does form a nice solid structure.
> Not intended to be a flame thrower just a small candel.
> Steve Eberhart
Good on you Steven. I suspect this guy has some barrow to push. It is a
wonder he did not say which aircraft kit is better or which kit
supplier/aircraft company he is working for.
Denys Gover