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Re: Washout errors...

Subject: Re: Washout errors...
From: europa aviation ltd <>
Date: Mon, 3 Feb 1997 09:25:15
>What do you recommend the incidence should be a 70 percent of span? As
there is washout it can't be the
>same as the root incidence given in the manual.
<100421.2123@CompuServe.COM> wrote:
>> >> there is a small unwanted error in the washout of the wing leading edges<<
>> Since none of us can guarantee exactly equal wings, this is what I am now
>> advising everyone to do.
>> Build the wings as per normal, trying to keep them as straight as
possible, then
>> make a template to give you a level at 70% span. When you set the
incidence, (&
>> bond on the lift pin sockets,) Make the incidence of each wing the same
at 70%
>> span, not at the root. I might be tempted to guess a slight deflection to
>> counteract engine torque, but no more than .1 degrees. The extra incidence on
>> one side at the root will have little effect on roll trim.
>> Credit for this tip should go to Tim Dewes, who I believe isn't on here.
He's a
>> glider repairer and inspector.
>> Graham

If you do as Graham suggests, which is a good way of averaging out any
deviations from the theoretical washout, then the washout at 70% chord
should be 70% of 1.5=B0, i.e. 1.05=B0.  This would be subtracted from the root
incidence of 2.5=B0, giving an incidence at 70% of, say, 1.4=B0 to 1.5=B0.


Roger Bull
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     Fax No 44 1751 431706

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