On Wed, 5 Feb 1997, Ken Bryan wrote:
> to Rolf Muller
> No offence meant, my comments were quite serious and were intended to start
> a discussion,
> Speak to some people flying Europas.
> Regards,,
I didn't keep the original post that referred to the handling
characteristics of the Europa but I remember feeling that the comments
made were what I would expect to see on rec.aviation.homebuilt i.e. a
little bit of fact sourounded bu a lot of supposition from a low time or
no time pilot. I am a low time pilot, 43 hours over 25 years ago and
only 2 1/2 current hours. The 1/2 hour was in the Lakeland, FL.
demonstrator G-ELSA. I was so totally impressed with the Europa that I
was immediately stricken with Europaitis and have to have one.
Every airplane design has its own pecularities and the Europa is no
exception. If you feel that the landing and takeoff characteristics of
the Europa are dangerous then the tandem gear Europa might not be the
plane for you... get the Tri-Gear version, its a pussy cat with few vices.
Back in my 43 hours I spent 4 hours of dual in a Citabria. If you think
that you can ignore landing speeds, technique and attidude then I hope you
have the extra cash to buy a new prop ;-). Talk to people that have flown
the plane and fly one yourself before you start forming a judgement.
Now that I have said all of this I will express my views on the Europa.
I think the flying characteristics are so good that they set a new
standard of excellence for all aircraft to be compaired against. Here in
the US the soft field performance of the tandem gear is not as great a
feature as it is in the UK. I would like to see a conventional gear
version that uses an arrangement similar to the Van RV aircraft. I can't
imagine a more perfect airplane, for my purposes, than a Europa with
conventional gear, minimum VFR compliment of gauges but with a single LCD
display panel right in the middle of the panel and the BMW Boxer engine.
Sure I would like to see pre molded wing and tail skins but the wet layup
construction does form a nice solid structure.
Not intended to be a flame thrower just a small candel.
Steve Eberhart