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New cool cowlings.

Subject: New cool cowlings.
From: Graham Singleton <>
Date: Tue, 11 Feb 1997 18:47:42
I flew GKwhip again today. This time after tightening up the ducting to the rad
and connecting up the pitot static system to fuselage static (we flew on cockpit
the other day). Water temp was down 10 defgrees and oil 15 or more. Didn't quite
expect that. Probably means cooler under cowl temps. Radiator air goes more or
less straight in and straight out. All 16 sq inches of it.
Visibility over the nose is much much better. (Ivan did the landings last time).
However I was most surprised to realise I was climbing away at an indicated 20
kts or so. Even in a white knuckle flaps up cruise climb I saw only 60 kts. I
didn't look at the ASI on finals. Just trimmed to what felt right and tried to
behave normally. I suppose Pete would have ascertained the stall speed first. I
assumed it would be below readable values so didn't bother.

Always the possibility of leaks in the system, not yet checked, OTH maybe the
non laminar flow from the new bare cowls was affecting pressure recovery and
altering the static. More fun to come ({:-)


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