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Re: Bondo removal ?

Subject: Re: Bondo removal ?
From: David Watts <>
Date: Wed, 12 Feb 1997 20:39:53
>So, I would like to inquire how other Europa builders have handled Bondo 
I put a tip in the Europa Flyer a year ago regarding holding surfaces in 
their jig blocks.
All I did was to put strips of 2inch wide masking tape on the surfaces then 
put the Bondo on the tape. When you have finished the layup you can pull the 
surface out of its jig block and peel off the masking tape leaving no marks 
at all on the surface.
If you are applying the tape to a layup, i.e. when doingthe second side, 
make sure that you rub the tape well down as it takes a little more effort 
to stick to glass, but stick it does.
Hope this is of use,
David Watts.

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